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Affordable, Effective, Independent Research - 724-612-3685


Affordable, Effective, Independent Research - 724-612-3685



Student-View Reports

What do students really think about your college or university?

It is easier than ever to find out.

The Student-View Report is based on our annual independent online survey of more than 40,000 high school seniors.

The Student-View Report provides a comprehensive view of your institution's competitive position.

    • Market image and position
    • Gaps in awareness and/or favorability
    • Open-ended descriptions of your institution
    • Ratings of academic strength, facilities, tuition, and other key attributes
    • Barriers to consideration and reasons for application
    • Advertising recall
    • Your institution in the news
    • Image influences
    • Demographic/geographic strengths and weaknesses







Key Advantages

The Student-View Report offers several advantages over traditional higher education market research.

  • Effective – A comprehensive, core data set for all colleges and universities provides comparability for all institutions year-to-year
  • Affordable – Our syndicated research model produces comprehensive reports for a fraction of the cost of traditional research
  • Independent – Student Insights focuses exclusively on market research. Our findings are independent and never influenced by the desire to sell enrollment management, financial aid, or branding/communication services.
  • Scalable -The report is available in multiple levels of detail to meet the needs of clients within any budget

Student-View Reports are available in several levels of detail starting at just $500.


About the Student-View Report

Successful college marketing programs achieve two basic goals:

  • Build high levels of awareness among prospective students
  • Create a positive perception of the institution among those students

Only a small number of institutions achieve the ideal position of having both high awareness and favorable perception. Many institutions have a gap in awareness or perception. Some institutions have a gap in both. Where does your institution fit?

Benefits of Higher Education Marketing

The Right Report For You

The Student-View Report provides a variety of analysis for institutions based on survey feedback from seniors in a single state. The report comes in five levels that meet the market research needs of every institution and fit within a range of budgets.

College and University Reports for Marketing

Click Here to Order your report


Level One ($500) – This basic report is an effective, low-cost tool for institutions with limited budgets. It is ideal for establishing benchmarks, measuring results on an annual basis, and monitoring key competitors in the market.


Level Two ($2,000) – The Level Two report shows students’ actual levels of consideration and application for an institution and its key competitors. It also identifies cross-application rates with other institutions. This report moves beyond students’ attitudes to measure their actual behaviors.


Level Three ($3,800) –The Level Three rates an institution and its competitors on 14 core attributes. This provides an even more detailed basis for managing institutional communications.


Level Four ($5,800) – The Level Four report is a complete market research tool which measures advertising recall rates for an institution and key competitors. It also shows the favorability of interactions with prospective students by an institution and its competitors. The report also shows favorability of an institution’s admissions/applications process and comparison with core competitors. Additional analysis includes students’ top-of-mind descriptions of an institution, reasons why students don’t consider attending, and how institutional communications can be improved.


Level Five ($6,900) – This supplement identifies an institution’s strengths and weaknesses in specific market segments, enabling more effective targeting of limited resources.